Redefining HOPE

So let us grab, hold on to and own without wavering or faltering the very essence of our HOPE – the good outcome God has promised  – with the assurance that He is trustworthy and faithful to accomplish everything He’s promised to do. Hebrews 10:23 (HOPEGrams version)

Let us hold unswervingly to the HOPE we profess, for He who promised is FAITHFUL! Hebrews 10:23

Redefining HOPE

Hope is in short supply these days. At least the true hope we see in the Bible. Most people use the word ‘hope’ with a certain air of ‘hopelessness.’ For example when asked, “Do you think everything will turn out okay?” We may answer, “I hope so.” It might even be expressed with a shrug and a look of doubt in our eyes. It reveals a certain sense of helplessness or lack of control.

This last week I had the privilege of seeing some hope-rays just when I needed them most. These bright rays found a hole in the dark clouds that loomed overhead. My husband, Bill, had a choking episode and we had to call the paramedics. It’s been almost two years since he started having problems swallowing and breathing. I thought about this verse as I got everything together to follow the ambulance to the emergency room. I was speeding down the road when I looked up – and there they were — beautiful, glorious shafts of light shooting down to earth.  You can read more about this journey in the earlier posts on this blog.

I can hold on to hope during tough times with the same confidence that I know the sun is shining behind the dark clouds. Hope-rays seem designed just for me at the moments that I might get a little shaky. There is a good outcome ahead because I can trust the One who promised to always be with me. He is faithful and will carry out His purpose in our lives. He only asks me to hold on to this confidence without wavering and faltering. I slowed down enough to avoid getting ticket and made it to the emergency room very quickly. Sure enough, the paramedics’ suction machine in the ambulance was able to clear his breathing passages and by the time I got to the emergency room he was fine.

We continue to pray for healing and trust that every detail of our lives is in His hands. The greatest benefit from being able to have a strong unswerving foundation of hope is knowing the answer to the question, “How do you think everything is going to work out?”

“God’s holding my hand and carrying Bill so I know we will get there just fine.”

Hope is not simply a wish  but rather a strong confidence in a positive outcome because God finishes well.

Dear Lord, I thank You for giving Your grace and strength just when we need it the most. I ask that You would grant us the insight to invite you into places where we might feel tempted to use the word ‘hope’ in a common way to cope with disappointments. Thank You for the truth that sets us free to know we can confidently trust that You are holding on to us and carrying us in the most difficult times. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Karen Sebastian is a popular keynote and conference speaker who shares from the rich experiences of her life. If you are interested in having her speak for an event, retreat, conference or workshop contact her at

Copyright © 2012 Picture Hope International, Inc.


Filed under Hope

5 responses to “Redefining HOPE

  1. Chris

    Karen, your definition of hope is so good. I am praying for Bill and so thankful that our hope is in the Lord. Love you both.

  2. Betty Jayne Castle

    “Hope is not simply a wish but rather a strong confidence in a positive outcome because God finishes well” . . . I’m glad the Holy Spirit dropped these words into your heart . . . what a dynamic powerful thought. Thank you so much for sharing! Love you lots and lots, my forever friend!

  3. Pingback: Waiting, Hoping, Expecting | Hope Grams

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